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Freethought Day, 2022

I went to #FreethoughtDay at the state capital building on 10/9/2022 with my friend, Mark Kernes. We heard lots of important issues addressed: voter suppression, racism, activism within the secular community, and protecting reproductive rights.

I especially enjoyed hearing and speaking with #NancyBrink, a Christian chaplain but part of the Americans United, a group that firmly opposes the undermining of the Separation of Church and State. And #VoicesOfReason put on a great show. Sadly, I managed to get no pics of either. But I did catch Emery Emery doing a great job as the emcee.

Sunday: Met the lovely #ChaliceBlythe at #FreethoughtDay. A minister of The Satanic Temple, she gave a great talk about her church and its fight against religious intolerance and how it's really everyone's fight. Kudos for recognizing my Miskatonic University shirt, Chalice!


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