Meet Hugo Krantz, scholar, businessman, bon vivant, and devourer of human flesh. Born a monster, Hugo studies other monsters and he searches the world to find them. And really, what could go wrong with that?
Just remember, even in this day there are GHOULS AMONGST US!
In these eleven stories, Hugo will encounter other ghouls, diabolical noblemen, sword-wielding actresses, and vampires. He will plunder ancient Egyptian tombs and attempt to revive the dead using the latest tools of science. He will witness witchcraft trials. Then, in an epic-length tale, he stumbles across a murder in Averoigne—one that will lead to witchcraft, lycanthropy, secret cults, swords play, and a brief scene of cross-dressing. Will Hugo solve the murder? Will he even survive? And with all this going on, can he find love?
There’s more horror and whimsy from the pen of Perry Lake as the KRANTZ FAMILY series continues! Read HUGO KRANTZ today!
Excerpt from HUGO KRANTZ:
"Ladylike Behavior"
I made Claude promise to have me introduced to the lovely chanteuse forthwith. And so, a few nights later, he took me to common-looking house in the Court of the Dragon, a neighborhood of dram houses and brothels where a man was as likely to come away with a slit throat as a hangover or a case of the clap. But inside we found ourselves in a salon as luxurious as any in Paris—well, so far as I knew. Claude was obviously a regular, as he was warmly greeted by all and sundry.
After a few introductions to various nonentities—so far as concerned me—Claude led me to a corner of the large salon and said, “Mademoiselle La Maupin, allow me to introduce Hugh de Krantse, de la Weir.”
Even wincing at the mangling of my name, I looked at the gathering, preparing to bow. But I did not see the young lady, only several young men before me! In fact, upon reflection, there was not any lady present. I looked back at Claude.
He only smirked before giving a nod and a glance in the direction of one of the snickering young men. I looked at the fellow indicated.
I observed that he was a handsome enough youth, if somewhat slight and without any van dyke. Oh! I had been tricked by an artifice of the stage! This was Julie Maupin but still in the role of a man!
“Mademoiselle La Maupin,” I said with a bow and a flourish, “I am at your service. And may I compliment you on such a fine costume? It quite fooled me for a moment. Please tell me, are you to portray Rosalind in Shakespeare's As You Like It?”
I arose to see her smile fade. The men snickered even louder, eyeing her to see her reaction. I confess I was puzzled.
Then the Mademoiselle Maupin smiled, and a lovely smile it was, despite the masculine frame of her attire.
“So, you are our Claude's new friend, yes?” she asked, in her charming contralto voice. “He said you were... what was the word he used? Oh yes. Outré.” Which is to say, weird.
La Maupin's entourage chuckled uniformly. I, although realizing her comment might have been a jibe, thought it was intended only as a tease. Ah, the lady was flirting with me!
I instantly took the bait. I sidled up to her, indeed, grazing my shoulder against hers, and said, “Mademoiselle, I am a great admirer of your theatrical talents... and your other charms as well. Tell me, might I someday have the pleasure of your company when you are out of this costume?”
La Maupin promptly slapped my face—and quite hard. I was taken aback by her violence as well as by the roars of laughter from all about us.
Claude pulled me aside then.
“Hugh, you've made quite a fool of yourself. Please leave before things get ugly.”
“What do you mean? What does anyone mean tonight?”
He took me by the arm and we stepped outside into an alley. There he said, “My friend, I confess I thought it would be amusing to not prepare you for this little surprise but you go too far. You see, La Maupin and her friends are not merely libertines like myself, but deviants. To come to the point of the matter, the lady favors masculine dress when she is not on stage. She has other masculine tastes as well.”
“Other tastes? Such as what?”
Claude, not easily embarrassed, and never at a loss for words, seemed to collect his thoughts. Then he said, “She dresses like a man when she's not on stage. She drinks and fights like one too. She has a talent with the rapier.”
“Interesting,” I said. “Indeed, admirable.”
Claude simply sighed and pointed me home.
Read more in HUGO KRANTZ!