“I am Dracula, lord of the Undead and king of the vampires. But a king requires a queen. Or three.”
You’ve read Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”. Now see how Dracula assembled the most elegant and seductive noblewomen for his entourage. Part II of THE LEGEND OF DRACULA series, contains nineteen short stories about the infamous Count and the famous vampire ladies whom no man could resist: Addhema! Lady Katya! Despina the Impure! Countess Elizabeth Báthory! Clarimonda! Countess Mircalla Karnstein! And more!
No woman can resist Dracula—and some will love him forever!
Meet the many brides of Dracula—seductive, inhuman beauties who'll spread his unnatural dominion. Feel their crimson lips gliding softly across your skin, softer than a summer’s breeze. Feel their fangs pierce your throat.
Addhema feeds not on blood, but rather the scalps of beautiful girls, draining them of life and supplying herself with an endless supply of disguises!
Elizabeth Báthory, the infamous Blood Countess of Hungary, said to have bathed in the blood of virgins to retain her youth and beauty—forever!
Clarimonda, courtesan to the most powerful man in France, slave to Dracula's whims.
Plus the novella-length origin of Countess Mircalla Karnstein. Desired by both the evil Count Dracula and the brave Baron Vordenburg, Mircalla finds herself the prize they would both kill to possess.
Twenty stories about the many brides of Dracula—seductive, inhuman beauties who will love you to death!
("The Legend of Dracula, Book II" is) a romp--or rather a flap of wings--through the centuries as Vlad shows us "How to Amass a Vampiric Harem, and Keep Them Happy" Having secured his place by decimating most of the rival vampires as well as those refusing to bow down to Strigoica's appointing him their leader, Vlad now sets about replenishing Undead stock with that of a better lineage, and he does it by dropping names through the centuries. I truly believe every literary and cinematic vampire in existence has found a place in this novel, from Carmilla Karnstein to Blacula to Barnabas Collins.
Tony-Paul de Vissage,
Author of "Vampires Are Forever" and the "Second Species" series
As a connoisseur of Vampire horror, in particular, Victorian/Gothic vampire tales, I was thrilled to read Perry Lake’s ("The Legend of Dracula, Book II"). . . With an array of historical, mythological and legendary characters such as Mephistopheles, Dr. Faustus, Jack the Ripper, the notorious Erzsébet Báthory amongst a few, Lake weaves a mesmerising story of cold brutality, gut-wrenching violence, depravity and intrigue in Count Draculea’s world of the undead.
Nuzo Onoh
Author of "Unhallowed Graves" and "The Reluctant Dead"
(Note: Both testimonials were originally written about an earlier version of this book, entitled, "Brides of Dracula".)
Check Out This Dramatic Reading of One of the Stories!
From the pages of "THE LEGEND OF DRACULA: HIS WOMEN" comes this tale of the young and beautiful Clarimonda--an ambitious girl who has become the courtesan of the most powerful man in France. But will her ambitions lead her to becoming the slave of Dracula? Click below.
And here's an excerpt from "DRACULA: HIS WOMEN"
The Soiree
The evenings, whenever possible, were spent at dinner parties and at the theater in Gratz. Young gentlemen stood in line for the chance to dance with the lovely Mircalla. At one of these dances, Elisabeth, speaking discretely from behind her fan, asked Mircalla to ponder a certain respectable elderly grande dame, late of Vienna.
“She was a great beauty fifty years gone,” said Elisabeth, “All Vienna toasted her beauty in those days, even as Gratz toasts your beauty now.”
Mircalla looked at the old ruin of a woman across the room, and did little to hide her repulsion. The hag was perhaps made more grotesque because her ruined beauty was still faintly visible under all the wrinkles and age spots. Elisabeth saw an opening.
“Look at her, Mircalla. That is your future.”
Mircalla gasped. “Cousin Elisabeth, why do you torment me so?”
“If it is torment, it is given only for thine own good, my child. I show you this only so that you will know there is an alternative… if you are willing.”
“Madame, there is but one alternative to old age and that is death.”
Elisabeth smiled ever so slightly. “True, my clever girl, but there are divers kinds of death. If you are willing to embrace the right one, you may surpass Death.”
“Impossible. Really? You know this for the truth?”
“Indeed, my love. I know it well.”
Here the Countess Drago moved the Countess Karnstein to an empty balcony overlooking the old city and there finished speaking.
“The old woman there is dearer to me than you might think for she is family. In truth, she is my granddaughter.”
Mircalla’s emotions fought between shock and laughter and fear. Elisabeth, though older, could only be the grandmother of a toddler.
“I once offered her the same secret I possess,” Elisabeth continued, “but she was superstitious and afraid. Ha! Look at her now. But you are not afraid, dearest Mircalla. I will share with you my secrets if you will but allow me.
“You see, I am, in truth, Countess Báthory Erzsébet of Csejthe in Hungary.”
Mircalla took a moment to ponder this fact. “…The Tigress of Csejthe? The Báthorys have tried to hide her story, but father told me of it. She bathed in the blood of virgins so as to gain…” And then she realized. “…immortality.”
The older Countess looked annoyed for the first time. “Dear child, one does not bathe in blood to achieve life everlasting. Blood quickly becomes sticky and draws flies. Besides, one would have to string up a score of maidens and bleed them dry to fill a tub.
“No, one must take blood internally, but the blood must come from one who is already blessed with immortal blood.”
Mircalla once more looked through the balcony windows at the elderly woman within, whose smile was pleasant but whose eyes showed only the weariness of one whom King Death has overlooked too long.
“Tell me more,” Mircalla said.
Countess Elisabeth wet her red lips and smiled evilly. She moved closer to the girl and kissed her close to her ear, “I will show you, my darling. Tonight.”
In a delicate whisper she added, “…Leave your door unlocked.”
* * *
Vampire movies, novel series like Anne Rice’s and Stephanie Meyer’s, most comics, and games like Vampire the Masquerade emphasize male vampires. However, in folklore, most vampires are female. In “Dracula”, there is one male vampire and four females. This makes sense, since vampirism is about seduction. Simply put, women make better vampires than men—especially in the past, when women were highly restricted in their roles.
A male vampire, freshly turned in, say, A.D. 1600, would deplore his condition, saying, “Woe is me! I can’t go out in the sun! I can’t enter a church! I fear the sign of the Cross! Dude, I seriously can not handle garlic anymore!”
A woman, however, would embrace her vampirism. For the first time in her “life” she would be free of the constraints of a patriarchal society. The vampiress is now powerful and able to indulge all her desires. And if a man tells her to act like a lady, the vampiress simply sinks her fangs in his throat and drains him.