For readers who want to read all my stories in chronological order, I here present a list of them in the order they occur. So far, these include the LEGEND OF DRACULA, LEGEND OF FRANKENSTEIN and KRANTZ FAMILY CHRONICLES series. Following the name of the story is the approximate date of the principle events and the volume in which the story appears.
D-HFC: Dracula: His First Centuries
D-HW: Dracula: His Women
D-P&S: Dracula: Plots & Schemes
D-IMD: Dracula: Into the Mouth of Death
NOF: The Nightmare of Frankenstein
MOW: Monster of the World
MOE: Monster of the East
FvM: Frankenstein Versus the Martians
GAU: Ghouls Amongst Us
HK: Hugo Krantz, Ghoul
K&E: Krantz and Edgar
HZ-1: The Rise of Huang Zhou
CTW-1: Cassiopeia The Witch: Novice
CTW-2: Cassiopeia The Witch: Warrioress
“The Delving” (c. 25,000 bce) GAU
The origin of the goblins.
THE KING KULL STORIES (c. 18,000 bce)
by Robert E. Howard
“Rise of the Changelings” (13,495-13,480 bce) GAU
A goblin chief learns of a secret plan to eliminate his people.
“The Imp” (13,490-80 bce) GAU
A ranger raises a foundling.
THE LORD OF THE RINGS (13,480 bce)
by J.R.R. Tolkien
by Robert E. Howard
“THE EXODUS” (1210 bce)
Multiple authors
“THE ILIAD” (1194-84 bce)
By Homer
“THE ODYSSEY” (1184-74 bce)
By Homer
“THE AENEID” (1184-77 bce)
By Virgil
“Ghazar and the Siege of Orghul” (c. 150 ce) GAU
A refugee ogre plants the seed of empire.
by Robert E. Howard
“Croaked” (777 ce) GAU
A renegade ogre finds refuge in a nest of vampires.
“Ghob Ascendant” (1140-47) GAU
The rise of a great ogre king in historical times.
“Windfall” (the Middle Ages) GAU
Ghouls find more corpses than they can eat.
“The Scholomance” (1448) D-HFC
The Devil has a son.
“The Scribe” (1456-61) D-HFC
A minor bureaucrat sees more than he wants.
“Devil’s Bargain” (1462) D-HFC
Vlad Tepes meets a Gypsy fortune teller.
“Promises Made” (1476) D-HFC
Vlad meets a woman who may well be his match.
“Broken and Put Together Wrong” (1481) GAU
The son of Ghob makes his mark in the world.
By Victor Hugo
“The Fall of Ghob” (1482-1525) GAU
King Ghob bites off more than he can chew.
“Faust and the Devil” (1525-48) D-HFC
The sorcerer Dr. Faust brings Vlad Dracula back from the dead
“The Curse of the Frankensteins (1531)
Dracula and Faust cause mischief. Note: This tale does not yet appear in any of the published books.
“The Homecoming” (1545) D-HFC
Dracula meets his enemies.
“The Kingdom of the Night” (1546-47) D-HFC
The vampire wars begin.
“Vampires and Werewolves and Demons, Oh My!” (1546, 1570) D-HFC
Faust lectures Dracula.
“The Lamia of Averoigne” (1549) D-HFC
Dracula attempts an alliance with the vampiress Nycea.
“Daughters of Dracula” (1553-54) D-HFC
Dracula increases his fold.
“The Boogeyman” (1555) D-HFC
Dracula battles Torbalan.
“The Hunt for Vardalekos” (1563) D-HFC
Dracula and Lorenzo fight Vardalekos.
“Terrible People”, in three parts (1569-1571) D-HFC
Dracula meets Ivan.
“The Side of the Road” (1570) D-HFC
Dracula gets dumped.
“Family Ties” (1548-74) D-HFC
Dracula accomplishes nothing.
THE SOLOMAN KANE STORIES (c. 1575-1605 ce)
by Robert E. Howard
“Promises Kept” (1576) D-HW
A priest attempts to stop Dracula's evil plan.
“The Ends of the Earth” (1578) D-HFC
In Burma, Dracula attempts an alliance with the Tiger-Men.
“The Thing From the Tomb” (1578) D-HFC
Dracula ambushed by the Spectre of Death!
“The Second Colony” (1587) GAU
Settlers find a world inhabited by hostiles.
“WESTWARD HO!” (1588)
By Charles Kingsley
“The Vampire Queen” (1590, 1630) D-HW
Lilith pays Dracula a visit.
“Katya and the Basilisk” (1591) D-HW
Dracula seduces Katya and creates a big snake.
“Horror in Little Russia” (1592) D-HW
Dracula meets the Viy.
“The Blood Countess” (1595) D-HW
Dracula and Elizabeth Bathory form an alliance.
“The Top of the World” (1624) D-HW
Dracula attempts to ambush Chi You in the Himalayas.
“Immortal Love” (1637) D-HW
A fairy tale of Dracula
“A Slice of the Pie” (1657) D-HW
The pitfalls of bargaining with Dracula.
“That Which is Mine” (1665) D-HW
Dracula and Gretchen search for his lost sword.
“The Tale of the Lamia” (1670) D-HW
Dracula wages war against Nycea.
“The Golden Talons of the Kiang-Shi” (1672) D-HW
Dracula allies with the White Peacock.
“Change is Good” (1673-86) HK
The origin of Hugo.
“Lord of the Rakshasas” (1682) Temporarily un-published.
Erlik and Paranasabari ally against Mmbyu.
“The Count and I” (1687-95) HK
Hugo makes a friend.
“Julie and I” (1694-95) HK
Hugo and the opera singer.
“Krantz in Love” (1698) HK
Hugo at the soiree.
“For the Love of Mircalla” (1698) D-HW
Dracula and Elizabeth seduce Mircalla.
“Matters of Life and Death” (1710) HK
Hugo becomes the assistant of a mad scientist.
“Krantz in Egypt” (1717) HK
Escaping from Barbary pirates, Hugo takes to plundering tombs.
“The Transformation” (1720) D-P&S
The Origin of Bogdan.
“The Return of Dr. Chillingworth” (1724) HK
Hugo and Chillingworth attempt to raise the dead.
“The Witch Trial” (1729) HK
Hugo witnesses justice gone mad.
"The Return of Set" (1730) D-P&S
Dracula must stop a cult from reviving an ancient vampire lord.
“Conversations Over Wine” (1740) HK
Hugo tells tales.
“The Werewolf Hunt” (1742) HK
In Averoigne, Hugo bites off more than he can chew.
“Our Dream Home” (1743) HK
Hugo and his bride run afoul of the ghoul-king.
"The Old Gods" (1752) D-P&S
Dracula and Lorenzo study archeology.
“Half a Monster” (1755) D-P&S
Dracula’s son turns against him.
“The Lost Lenore” (1757) D-P&S
Dracula seduces Lenore.
“Necrologia” (1764) D-P&S
Dracula goes book-hunting.
“The Loves of Miranda” (1767-85) K&E
The tale of Hugo's daughter
“Affairs” (1783-85) D-P&S
Dracula meets a sorcerer who is his match.
“Lenore in America” (1787) D-P&S
Lenore finds sorcery in the new nation.
“Victor” (1781-95) NOF
How a little boy came to create a Monster.
“Life With the Frumps” (1795) K&E
Hugo's in-laws
“FRANKENSTEIN” (1795-99)
By Mary Shelley
“What We Do For Friends” (1799-1803) NOF
The Monster returns!
“The Fangs of Nycea” (1799) D-P&S
Dracula and Nycea have it out once and for all.
“Erlik on the Run” (1801) D-P&S
Dracula chases Erlik across Arabia.
“Die Grafin” (1801) D-P&S
Dracula and Mircalla seduce Ulrica.
“Homecoming” (1804) D-P&S
Addhema takes her love to the grave.
“Out With the Old” (1805) D-P&S
Dracula rebuilds.
“The Mentor” (1804-16) NOF
The Monster searches for Frankenstein's teachers.
“Inspiration” (1815) D-P&S
Dracula and his place in the world.
“All About Edgar” (1815-1829) K&E
Hugo gains a nephew
“The Return of the Illuminati” (1816-18) NOF
The Monster follows Frankenstein's footsteps.
“Outcasts Together” (1818-19) NOF
The Monster joins the circus.
“Game Players” (1820) D-IMD
When Ruthven met Mircalla.
“I Find Myself Famous” (1823) NOF
The Monster finds his creator.
“Vampire Hunting in the Balkans” (1825) D-IMD
Baron Vordenburg meets Baron Latos.
“Bits and Pieces” (1825-26) NOF
The Monster meets a mad scientist.
“The Mad Woman of Rouen” (1830) NOF
The Monster seeks a mate.
“The Second Mrs. Panderley” (1830-1831) K&E
Romance in Kent
“The Return of Lenore” (1831) D-IMD
Lenore becomes the muse of a poet.
“Witchcraft in the Swamp” (1833) K&E
Hugo and Edgar encounter a war of the witches
“A Century of Humiliation” (1835-42) HZ-1
The tale of a child during the Opium War
“Mad Science” (1837) NOF
Yet another mad scientist.
“The Sporting Life” (1837) K&E
The hunt begins!
“Mad Sorcery” (1838-44) NOF
Alchemy and the Monster.
“The Hospital” (1840) K&E
A doctor's crusade
“Higher Education” (1842-1851) HZ-1
Huang Zhou goes to school
“Lenore and the Ghouls” (1820-45) D-IMD
Lenore meets Krantz & Edgar.
“The Village” (1844) K&E
Sacrificial lambs
“The Collectors” (1845) NOF
The Monster is captured!
“The Circus of Freaks” (1847-48) MOW
The Monster meets Madame Boogala!
“Hunter’s Legacy” (1848) D-IMD
Vordenburg hunts for Dracula.
“The Shadow Man” (1849-50) HZ-1
A new Rajah finds romance… and a conspiracy against him
“Xing'zheng” (1847-51) HZ-1
The most beautiful girl in China—and the most ambitious
“Enemy Territory” (1851) HZ-1
From Limehouse to Buckingham Palace
“Secrets From the Tomb” (1854) MOW
The Monster finds himself imprisoned with the Pharaohs.
“Harem of the Emperor” (1852-56) HZ-1
Huang Zhou moves Xing’zhen into place
“Gunboats, Opium, & Arsenic” (1856-1857) HZ-1
Plots and schemes when the British wage a second war
“The Visionary” (1851-58) HZ-1
The Rajah’s plans are derailed by rebellion
“Machinations” (1858-60) HZ-1
War and rebellion lead to ever more conspiracies
“Assignation in Shaitanabad” (1860) HZ-1
A meeting of minds
“Thrown Together” (1861) MOW
A huckster finds the real thing.
“The Karnstein Blood” (1851-63) D-IMD
Mircalla plans to seduce Laura.
“The Shadow Over Paris” (1863) MOW
The Monster encounters a phantom.
“CARMILLA” (1863)
By Sheridan Lefanu
“Requiem” (1863) D-IMD
Dracula in mourning.
“A New World” (1866) MOW
The Monster comes to America, only to discover madness in Arkham, Massachusetts.
“A Phonograph Recording” (1870) MOW
A tale of vengeance from the swamps.
“The Breaking” (1871) D-IMD
Dracula revolts!
“Kingdom of the Sewers” (1871) GAU
A wolf is not the most dangerous hunter in the streets of Paris.
“Eight Feet of Trouble” (1874) MOW
The Monster in the Old West.
“Rise of the Empress” (1860-75) HZ-1
Xing’zhen will rule all of China—Can Huang Zhou rule her?
“The Trouble with Vampire Girls” (1875) D-IMD
Dracula turns Mara and Anica.
“The Cult of the Barbary Coast” (1876) MOE
The Monster in Old San Francisco.
“Beyond Cathay" (1878-80) MOE
The Monster seeks a cannibal cult in the hinterlands of China and Tibet.
“Out of Cathay” (1881-81) MOE
The Monster gets an honest job.
By Gaston Leroux
“The Founding of an Empire” (1883-90) MOE
The Monster makes a deal.
“Revival” (1888) D-IMD
A mad killer attempts to revive an undead monster.
“Houseguests” (April-May, 1890) D-IMD
Dracula awaits Jonathan Harker.
“A Tour of the Castle” (May, 1890) D-HFC
Dracula shows a painting to Jonathan Harker.
“DRACULA” (May-November, 1890)
By Bram Stoker
“Death, Looming” (November, 1890) D-IMD
Dracula meets his doom.
“The Evil Doctor” (1893) MOE
Even Monsters can look tame compared to humans.
“Death From Above” (1898) FvM
In the Arctic, the Monster battles Martians.
by H.G. Wells
“Dr. Frankenstein, I Presume?” (1898) FvM
The Monster meets his creator's descendant.
“Death on the Steppes” (1908) FvM
The Monster finds a big hole in the ground.
“What Price Immortality?” (1909) FvM
Dr. Munoz treats the Monster.
“Chasing Phantoms” (1912) FvM
Action amid the sewers and rooftops of Paris!
“The Voyage of the Vigilance” (1913) FvM
Steampunk adventure and intrigue in the skies!
“As I Remember It” (1908-13) FvM
The Monster reflects on his past.
“My Friend, the Professor” (1913) FvM
The Monster befriends the famous Professor Challenger.
“Memories of Martians” (1913) FvM
The Monster learns the truth.
of HP Lovecraft
"Cassiopeia Dares" (August-October, 1988) CTW-1
Young Cassiopeia investigates a haunted house, meets William, and hangs with Julie.
"The Wrath of Mordoth" (February, 1989) CTW-1
Cass finds herself in a game of D&D.
"Wild Sasquatch Hunt/Lion's Den" (April/May 1989) CTW-1
Cass meets the spawn of Bigfoot and picks up a lady in a bar.
"The Return of Re'ufu" (July, 1989) CTW-1
Cass tangles with a wizard and a mummy.
"Six Point Nine" (October, 1989) CTW-1
Cass gets bonked in the head.
"Wanders Family/Summoning of Damballah" (February/March, 1990) CTW-1
Cass babysits a 15-year-old and gets kidnapped by the Voodoo-Man, Prof. Boudac.
"The Efficiency Expert" (June, 1990) CTW-2
Cassiopeia makes a good impression.
"Clutch of the Demon" (June-July, 1990) CTW-2
Cass tangles with the arch-demon, Azaroth.
"Where No Man Has Gone" (March, 1991) CTW-2
Cass goes on a date--with a guy! Can a mad killer be any worse?
"The Phantom of the Sewer" (March, 1991) CTW-2
Detective Rawlins searches for a murderer who feeds on human hearts!
"The Phantom Awaits" (March, 1991) CTW-2
The Phantom stalks Cass!
"The Time Portal" (June, 1991) CTW-2
Cass falls into the past!
"Lil Red, Ridin' in the Hood/Eye of the Beholder" (August, 1991) CTW-2
Cass tackles a werewolf and meets Janelle.
"Gauntlet" (September, 1991) CTW-2
Cass clashes with the fanatical Army of Light.
"Cassiopeia The Witch: Warrioress" (October, 1991) CTW-2
Kenny Hughes sends a fire-demon to murder Cass!
“Pizza Boy” (1995) GAU
This job could be the death of you.
“Glory in Death” (2007) GAU
A civilian translator in Iraq discovers a lost civilization.
“When Arise the Dead” (c. 2021) GAU
The zombie apocalypse comes to Arkham.