Last Quarter Payoff?
“A Vision in Crimson” Frostbite, Book 1 by Kathryn Troy, Pale and sullen, Luca is a man with a mission: to destroy all...
Frankenstein, Dracula and the Wolfman...
Frankenstein, Dracula and the Wolfman walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Have a seat. What can I get you?" Dracula says, "A Bloody...

Midlife Revelations
“Woolgathering” by R. E. Wood, 2018 “Woolgathering is a collection of short stories by R.E. Wood. Like most such collections, it’s up...
This Hoss Came Up Lame
“Sundog Comanche: Captain Creek, his Younger Years” Book 1 of the Sundog series by Ash Lingam, 2017 This book is about the youth of Ridge...

A Life of Endless Agony
“WHAT YOUR DOCTOR DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT FIBROMYALGIA” by Linda Meilink, 2010 This book is insightful and informative about the mysterious...

Action, Action, and More Action
“DRAGON’S DEN” BOOK 3 of THE METAFRAME WAR by Graeme Rodaughan, 2018 The third book of the Metaframe War saga brings with it a cascade of...

The Celebration of a Legend
“FRANKENSTEIN THE FIRST TWO HUNDRED YEARS” by Christopher Frayling At first, upon receiving this book as a Christmas gift from my good...

Terror Trash
“PAPERBACKS FROM HELL’ by Grady Hendricks After the release of mega-hits like “Rosemary’s Baby” and “The Exorcist”, it was inevitable...
New Interview
Here's an interview with me, conducted by the lovely Paige Gibson. Paige is a blogger and an up-and-coming author in her own right. ...

Grave Matters
“GraveWalker” by John Huber, 2017 Here is another tale of devilry from John Huber. This one is set in the Old West, where men were men...